About Us

What We Do

Alliance for Sustainable Environment (AfSEN)

Goals and Objectives:

1. To sensitize and orientate the youths especially students on the existence of Climate Change and its effects on our everyday living.
2. To enlighten the public on Climate Change Adaptations and Mitigation measures to curb and reduce the emission of carbon to the atmosphere.
3. To join the global campaign on Climate Action, SDGs 13 and other related UN goals and projects.
4. To partner with Government, Non-GovernmentalOrganizations (NGOs) and Community Based Organizations (CBOs) to achieving the United Nation SDG 13 on Climate Action.

5. To create a “Climate Action Students Club” in learning institutions in Serbia and other countries as expansion continues.
6. To develop suggested policies that will affect the way of life of people on the consciousness of protecting the environment.
7. To advocate for and involve in “Tree Planting Programs”.
8. To engage in capacity building through a community based platform in order to strengthen the community’s response to a dynamic environmental changes.
9. To advocate for a Cleaner Environment and periodically involve in the Municipal Waste Disposal in our community.
10. To participate in the workshops, seminars and symposiums that will promote our mission.
11. To engage in the domestication of International Environmental Agreements “Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) of our host country (ies)”and participate in the environmental policy dialogue.
12. To engage in research and knowledge building targeting climate change and the environment, monitoring policies and outcomes.

Become a Volunteer

and Advocacy

and Resilience




We project that this campaign will have a huge impact on over 500,000 thousand youth living in Serbia and other countries of operation. This will periodically change the ways of life towards protecting the environment, day to day climate change mitigation activities and subsequently to achieve carbon neutrality.